Important dental care before and during Chemotherapy

Information from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health

Some of the side effects from Chemo can affect your mouth, and could get so bad that treatment would need to stop. Chemo kills cancer cells, but also harms normal cells.

If possible, see a dentist one month before you start Chemo. If you have already started your treatment, see a dentist as soon as possible. This will help make sure your mouth is in a healthy condition while going through the treatment, which will help avoid possible problems.

In addition to seeing a dentist, you can do a lot to help including: drink a lot of water, suck ice chips, rinse several times a day with a mixture of 8 oz. warm water/1/4 tsp. baking soda or salt and then rinse with plain water, brush your teeth/gums/tongue with an extra soft toothbrush after every meal and before bedtime.

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