I thought I’d share some important information about dentures.

To properly get dentures (or partials) made for YOU, it is a process. But how exciting it is to get new teeth that will give you your smile back and enable you to properly chew food again!!

1. It takes anywhere from one to three appointments (sometimes even more) to get your denture completely comfortable. Just remember, dentures are like a new pair of shoes that you need to get used to. At these appointments the bite will be adjusted and sore spots will be relieved as your mouth becomes accustomed to wearing the new denture. At our office, THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THE FIRST THREE (3) ADJUSTMENT APPOINTMENTS.

2. If these appointments are not kept, then you CANNOT expect to eat properly or be comfortable with your new dentures.

3. You must NOT make any adjustments and/or repairs to the dentures by yourself, as that may cost you further expense to correct the damage you may do to the denture.

4. If your denture is not comfortable then it is up to YOU to call for an appointment.

5. You will need to come to the office at least once a year so that we may check your bite and the fit of the denture, as well as your overall oral health.

6. IMPORTANT - A poorly fitting denture can cause irreversible damage to your gums and bone, as well as contribute to your dentures breaking.

7. Be sure to follow up with your post-delivery appointments to get the most satisfaction from your new dentures.


  1. Clean your dentures/partials DAILY!

  2. It’s best to clean them with polident or efferdent. If you want to brush them with a toothbrush, make sure to use a GEL toothpaste.

  3. ALWAYS SOAK THEM IN WATER WHEN THEY ARE NOT IN YOUR MOUTH!! If you don’t they can dry out, thus they will lose their shape and start hurting. Not keeping them in water can also cause other damage to your dentures/partials.

LASTLY, keep them away from your dogs. It seems like dogs do love to get a hold of dentures and use them as chew toys!