Self Care Basics for Improved Mental Health

A vast majority of people have a strong desire to improve their life for the better. Unfortunately, many try trendy diets, supplements, and exercise routines that are more effective at emptying pockets and bank accounts that creating any effective change. The real change comes about by focusing on the fundamentals. Here are some basic self-care techniques you should stick to for improved mental health.

Exercise regularly.

There’s a reason that exercise and fitness are the first thing people think about when considering ways to improve their self-care. In addition to being great for the body, regular exercise benefits the brain in many ways by reducing stress, boosting confidence, warding off symptoms of depression, and much more. If you’re a senior, there are some Medicare Advantage plans like Humana’s that cover the SilverSneakers fitness program. This is a popular exercise program geared toward older adults that offers memberships to qualifying seniors with a myriad fitness classes including yoga, senior sports teams, and outdoor activities.

Take care of your teeth.

As a kid, you probably rolled your eyes every time the dentist reminded you to floss. Although this form of self-care may seem inconsequential, taking care of your teeth can actually have tremendous health benefits overall. When you brush and floss, you’re helping to avoid the buildup of plaque which can lead to major health complications such as tooth decay and tartar buildup when not managed properly. A simple routine of daily brushing and flossing can make a world of difference.

Say “no” more often.

The word “no” often comes with a connotation of disapproval and negativity. While there is something to be said about embracing new experiences with a “yes” attitude, “no” is still an important word in your self-care routine. This word helps you create personal boundaries to ensure the external world doesn’t encroach too far. People who aren’t able to say “no” may be more likely to get taken advantage of or end up doing something they’ll regret. By taking control of the things you want to do, you can increase confidence and self-respect.

Set aside time to relax.

The modern age often feels like a non-stop game of playing catch-up. With everything happening so fast, it’s beneficial for our mental well-being to set aside some time to relax. This is a classic form of self-care that can be as simple as sitting down to watch your favorite show or heading to the spa for the day. Regardless of your preferred method of relaxation, it’s important to find one that can be a source of energy and concentration on a consistent basis. Meditation is a great choice because it can be performed anywhere and can make an impact in as little as a few minutes.

Get enough sleep.

What’s something everyone wants and needs but doesn’t get enough of? The obvious answer is sleep. Experts place the ideal range of sleep somewhere between seven and nine hours a night, although each individual will require a slight derivation from this standard. To help keep your circadian rhythm in check, try to go to bed and wake up at roughly the same times. This way, your body’s internal clock won’t be constantly thrown out of whack. With consistent and sufficient sleep, your body and mind will be constantly refreshed and ready to tackle the next day’s challenges.

Self-care is all about putting your needs first in order to improve your life overall. With the right routine and beneficial habits, you’ll begin to notice physical and mental health benefits. The only thing left is to stay dedicated and consistent.

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Author of Article: Brad Krause

Michelle Vacha